THIS TIME IT'S FINAL - 05/01/2005

Hi everyone. Seems like it's been one and half year from the last update. My last year was rather busy, and I got myself a completely new hobby during that time. I switched from unitmaking into drawing. More exactly I draw anime-influenced art. There has been no custom game stuff ever since the last update here, as I've completely adopted digital drawing and colouring as my main hobby. If you're an old acquintance, and would like to stay in touch, please visit the following link. It's the place where I currently showcase my art.
HitmanN's DeviantArt page
Being the pervert I am, the art centers on female characters, and I tend to exaggerate forms, and occasionally even do some nudity, so be advised when you visit. ;) DeviantArt prohibits pornographic material though, so it's all in good taste. You may need to register at the site before you can view the artworks marked as mature content.

This time Unlimited Units will REALLY close its doors. If I happen to create anything new for TA.. like some fun superunit or such, it will naturally appear here... but even so, the site is officially closed. I was looking forward to finishing off the TA:Mod - Battle for Paraside, but looks like I never get to do it, due to my new hobby.

All units and modifications will remain downloadable, so enjoy the files for as long as TA Universe keeps breathing. (... one damn tough bastard for a site... XD)


YET AGAIN... - 11/08/2003

Two months, no updates, no progress. Looks like my interest ended here. It's become a habit for me to be back couple of times every year, make something new and then disappear again. So, it is very possible that the projects will be resumed sometime next year, but until then, I'm still accepting all TA:Mod and _UU_ related email, so keep 'em coming if you have anything to say.

Until next time, be seeing ya.


TA:MOD NEWS - 08/21/2003

Keep checking the TA:Mod page. I won't add all the little news here at main news page.



The release 1 is here. Click the TA:Mod link on the left sidebar and head for the news section from the links that appear above. Enjoy!


AND... TA:MOD NEWS - 07/24/2003

Click on the TA:Mod link at the menu on the left. Then the News link at the top... you know the routine. :)



Click on the TA:Mod link at the menu on the left. Then the News link at the top.


URL UPDATE & MORE TA:MOD - 07/02/2003

So, if you have found you're way in, you must already know that the URL has changed. It is no longer , but a subdomain: . Please update your bookmarks. ;)

Also, some new TA:Mod stuff is posted, check the TA:Mod section.


TA:MOD STUFF  - 06/11/2003

Yet again, some progress has been made. Go and see. The link is on the left, in the menu. ;)

NEW SITE DESIGN  - 06/08/2003

Some of you probably saw this coming. Anyway, as you can see, I didn't take too much time redesigning the page contents, mostly just the frames and menu are redone, as well as the new menus for the TC pages. I'm not a professional site maker, as this was all done with Frontpage, but then again, site like this should be fast to load compared to all those sites with fancy flash animations and lot of menu art. The most important thing is that it all works.

If you get any 404's or missing files, let me know on the forums or by Mail. I completely erased all files from the server and reuploaded the useful ones. I'll probably add the old gallery and misc. sections somewhere here later, but for now, all we need are the units and TC pages. :) Enjoy.

And a TA:Mod update  - 06/02/2003

This is becoming a habit... ;)


New screenshots. Check the TA:Mod page.

TA:MOD UPDATE  - 05/28/2003

Just if you had any doubts... click the TA:MOD link in the left sidebar.

HOLY... ! IT'S AN UPDATE!  - 05/24/2003

It's been a while indeed. Anyway, I'm here to announce that I might return to the TA:Mod project for the time being. I'm hoping that anyone who still follows the site news and is interested in the project goes to the forum to share some thoughts of anything related. Special thanks for reminding me of the project goes to Evil_Shadow at the forums.

I'm starting this update with several small info updates at the TA:Mod page, so continue browsing there. Link is in the sidebar on the left.

As a sidenote, the site passed 100.000 visitors some weeks ago. Thanks to everyone who visited.

WE'RE BACK AT TAU  - 11/17/2002

So, today finally I heard that the _UU_ account is active, so we're back

For now I've been busy with all non-TA stuff, and am still, and am going to be a lot as well... so... don't expect much out of my end for a while. we'll see if I catch any interest into TA:Mod or making a few TA units. 

I'm also removing all affiliate sites except TAU from the affiliates list, since they're pretty much all gone by now. I still accept affiliations, so just contact me if interested. Contact information will replace the affiliates section above next to the logo.


For the update, go to the TA:Mod page. Click the link in the sidebar.

Hopefully we can return to TA Universe soon, since I don't know how this account will hold all the data... it's all up to the staff at TAU now to decide...

Anything older than above is archived.